Friday, October 13, 2006

Vote early and TAKE ACTION! LINK!

Don't become complacent.Election FRAUD has cost US dearly, and we can't afford it any more.
Massive Sit In at the White House Nov. 7th and 8th, Join those convening on the White House on election day and the day after - it is time we take back our First Amendment rights to peaceably gather, exercise our freedoms of speech, and to petition our government for redress of wrong.

I've sent variations of the following to various media outlets. They still have not fully reported much of the big picture. Of course there is so much dirty history too, but they could at least begin to scratch the surface. I honestly feel so overwhelmed and frightenned at times.

Wake up, to reality, and report it PLEASE!
Election fraud has cost US dearly, think HARD and LEARN the truth about it. Hundreds of thousands have died as a result, and our environment, in so many ways is less healthy and our world more dangerous.
More people all over are, and even more will be, living and dying in a world of pain due to YOUR horrible decisions.
Grow a conscience, pray, THINK! Do the right thing.
Investigate,prosecute,IMPEACH, punish! Then let US move forward! Please consider the latest Princeton study and more information. I trust the scientist more than far right bu**sh**, and it is way beyond time for you to do so as well. Bush dismissed that scientific study concerning the 655,000+ Iraqis that have died as a result of his war, just as glibly and stupidly as many have denied the reality of fraudulent elections in OUR country.

PLEASE view brief very important Princeton independent study-video-
Please, CARE about our democracy enough to consider the truth.
Diebold - Abramoff and stolen elections.

"In perhaps the biggest scandal of all, the GOP and Jack Abramoff conspired and successfully stole our democracy through extremely corrupt dealings between Abramoff, Greenberg Traurig, Convicted GOP Rep. Bob Ney of OH, the White House and.... in order to foist the hackable Diebold voting machines upon an unsuspecting and trusting public....

multiple mainstream news sources quoted at bottom but link to time line here...

TIME LINE (some highlights)

"2001 – Ney's Chief of Staff David Distafano turns lobbyist for Diebold and at least one other voting machine company. One of DiStefano's crows about his having "an insider's edge to hard-to-reach political officials."
2002 – $3 billion HAVA bill mandating computer voting is passed in the House, shepherded by Ney, Abramoff and Delay, helping Diebold and the other companies write the legislation. Abramoff and Greenberg Traurig also use the HAVA bill to squeeze the Indian Casino Tribes to cough up more bribe money for Republicans...
2002 – Programmer Clint Curtis testified that he was asked in 2002 by GOP Rep. Tom Feeney to create vote-stealing code for voting machine, which he does. This software seemed to have been used in the 2002 stealing of Sen Max Cleland's seat in GA.
2002- Distafano and partner Coffee rewards Ney with $20,000 in campaign contributions, starting in 2002. Abramoff has Indian tribes contribute tens of thousands of dollars to Ney and pay the notorious $100,000 for the St. Andrews golf junket.
2002 – Diebold and AccuPoll start paying Distafano and partner Roy Coffee $250,000 in lobbying fees. Diebold starts paying $275,000 in lobbying fees to Greenberg Traurig, Abramoff's firm.
2003 - Ney prevents the mandating of verified paper trails for Diebold and the other companies.
2004 – ""in 2004 numerous news organizations reported that the RNC spent millions hiring a questionable company called Sproul & Associates to do voter registration. ....Thousands of voter registration applications collected from Democrats by registration workers paid for by Sproul & Associates were reported to have been destroyed ...
2004 – Ney writes "Dear Colleague" letter against amending HAVA for paper trails. .."argued at the time that paper records on such machines would somehow disenfranchise disabled voters.... mandated at least one disabled-accessable device in every voting precinct in the country. That device, of course, would be a paperless touch-screen electronic voting machine, like the ones made by Diebold,...." Ney also stops Holt's bill to reform HAVA " much more..... http://www.democraticundergroun


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