Saturday, July 30, 2005

A must read if you care abour DFA - Democracy for America!

Do what you can- tell everyone if you CARE about
DFA (democracy for America) ...please read this and the linked article, and share.

Voting Rights -- 10's of Thousands Marched in Gerogia -THANKYOU!

The BRAD Blog another greatlink to learn what is really going on concerning elction fraud and other vital news pertaining to our democracy.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Tell your congressperosn to support HR550 LINK

Last I read the opening remarks had been delivered to the committee.
Progressive dems' petition. THANKS!
'To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require
a voter-verified permanent paper record or hard copy under title III of such Act, and for other purposes.'
Bill # H.R.550
the above link takes you to a form you can use. THANKS!
then see this MUST read related article -so we won't get fooled again.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Supreme court related petitions -On my other blog. LINK

More Supreme Court actions and links.  Posted by Picasa

This is how Bush became president after the disaterous 2000 elction, and then the reconstructionist (along with some other far right political operatives and crooks), gave him the 2004 election and a dangerous MANDATE (not G/G they don't approve of that sort of thing)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Velvet Revolution Link

America and Velvet Revolution Lose a Freedom Fighter... Andy

Last night, our friend Andy Stephenson passed away after a short but valiant fight against cancer. He was a great supporter of VR's as well as one of the original advisors for our "Divestiture for Democracy" campaign. He was a tireless fighter for Election Reform in this country, and his loss is a tremendous blow to that cause. We will, however, fight on as Andy would have wanted us to.

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Andy Stephenson from Vote Trust /Donation LINK

Andy Stephenson was instrumental in raising the public's awareness of the problems and issues surrounding electronic voting....
As Vote Trust Training Director, Mr. Stephenson's responsibilities included grassroots coordination and training, consulting on state issues and lobbying.

The best way to honor Andy is to fight for meaningful election reform NOW. Be the about it with everyone and never shut up by a friend.

A year ago he was giving seminars on the many problems related to electronic voting. In January he traveled to WDC to mourn and demonstrate against the stolen election, but was still working non-stop for a fair voting sustem. Now we mourn his loss and do what we can to honor his memory, and restore our democracy.

"Let people know this is happening. Do what you can." Andy said over a year ago (I'm sure many other times as well) It's still sound advice.

Voter activist Andy Stephenson fights charges he faked his illness

I had heard some of the Andy Stephenson story prior to his recent death, but much more after. It is a story of a very concerned and brilliant young man who had been working for Verified Voting for quite a while before the 2004 election.
He knew the vote would be sabotaged by the far right.
He didn't know that his chances for survival would be as well.

Tribute To Andy Stephenson by Mr. William Pitt LINK

"Andy ticked off all the problems we were sure to face in the coming November presidential election. There was no independent vetting of these voting machines, he explained, so there was no way to tell if the hardware and software within was counting things properly. There were no paper ballots involved, so recounts were a thing of the past. Votes tallied on these machines would be transferred via unsecured modem to central processing computers - which were basically PCs with Windows software - that had no security and could be easily tampered with. The companies distributing these machines and counting the votes were run by men who gave money to, and in some instances actively worked for, the Bush for President campaign."

"I watched the crowd slump lower and lower into their seats as Andy rattled off the grim news. Meek hands were raised here and there. "What can we do about it?"
thank you

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